23/7/2014    11:00 - 13:00
Multiscale and Multiphysics Modelling for Complex Materials (MMCM5) III
Minisymposium organized by Patrizia Trovalusci, Tomasz Sadowski, René de Borst and Bernhard Schrefler
Room: Yasmin B
Chair: Rene de Borst
CoChair: Patrizia Trovalusci
Coupled glide-climb diffusion-enhanced crystal plasticity (Keynote Lecture)
Marc G.D. Geers, Maeva Cottura, Benoît Appolaire, Esteban Busso, Samuel Forest and Aurélien Villani

Computational methods and enhanced properties of composites with fractal multiscale microstructure
Catalin Picu, Monica Soare, Dan Constantinescu and Stefan Sorohan

The use of statistical mechanics to explore the structure of the fully-coupled thermo-mechanical free-energy function
Sanjay Govindjee

Ferroelectric thin film nano-generators
Ingo Münch, Matthias Krauss and Werner Wagner

Application of Kubelka-Munk-Theory for modelling the thermal wave generation in infrared irradiated thermoplastic polymer matrix composites
Luca Murenu, Michael Fischlschweiger and Georg Steinbichler

A complete model for the analysis of thermoelastic behaviour in microbeams
Pierpaolo Belardinelli, Stefano Lenci and Lucio Demeio