23/7/2014    14:00 - 16:00
Meshless Methods and Particle Methods Advances in Biomechanics I
Minisymposium organized by Jorge Belinha, Renato M. Natal Jorge and Ken-ichi Tsubota
Room: Sala H 3
Chair: Jorge Belinha
Open boundary conditions without buffer zone for incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Manuel Hirschler, Philip Kunz, Manuel Huber, Winfried Säckel and Ulrich Nieken

Computer simulation of thrombus formation in single ventricle using particle method
Ken-ichi Tsubota, Kazuki Okauchi, Koichi Sughimoto and Hao Liu

Elasto-plastic analysis of the bone tissue using a meshless method
Henrique Duarte, Jorge Belinha, Lúcia Dinis and Renato M. Natal Jorge

The bone tissue remodelling analysis due to the insertion of a femoral stem using a meshless method
Jorge Belinha, Lúcia Dinis and Renato M. Natal Jorge

Human swallowing simulation by the Hamiltonian MPS method
Takahiro Kikuchi, Yukihiro Michiwaki, Seiichi Koshizuka, Tetsu Kamiya, Yoshio Toyama, Takashi Osada and Nobuko Jinno

A meshless approach based on the cell method for bone biomechanics
Martino Pani, Enrico Schileo and Fulvia Taddei