23/7/2014    11:00 - 13:00
Biomechanics and Mechanobiology I
Minisymposium organized by Guillermo Rus, Quentin Grimal and Elisa Budyn
Room: Sala D3
Chair: Elisa Budyn
CoChair: Juan Melchor
In vivo stiffness evaluation of carotid artery by pulse wave analysis (Keynote Lecture)
Mami Matsukawa, Yuka Shibayama, Yuka Komagata, Takuya Odahara, Masashi Saito and Takaaki Asada

Ultrasound-based multi-scale characterization of the elastic properties of ovine femoral cortical bone
Peter Varga, Johannes Schneider, Simon Bernard, Stefan Fröhlich, Markus O. Heller, Kay Raum and Quentin Grimal

Microscopic observations of human vetebral endplate
Elisa Budyn, Akshay Bilagi, Vasanth Subramanian, Alejandro A. Espinoza Orias and Nozomu Inoue

Automated assessment of anisotropic elasticity of hard tissue samples using resonant ultrasound spectroscopy with Bayesian analysis and Monte Carlo methods
Simon Bernard, Guillaume Marrelec, Quentin Grimal and Pascal Laugier

Finite growth on biological tissues
Joan O´Connor Blanco, Lavinia M. Alves Borges, Fernando Pereira Duda and Melchor Rodriguez Madrigal

Numerical modeling of hip implant vibrational behavior for the analysis of stability
Quentin Vallet, Hedi Sariali, Andres Rondon and Quentin Grimal