24/7/2014    11:00 - 13:00
Multiscale Modelling of Materials and Structures II
Minisymposium organized by Tadeusz S. Burczynski, Xavier Oliver and Maciej Pietrzyk
Room: Sala H 3
Chair: Xavier Oliver
CoChair: Tadeusz Burczynski
Development of cellular automata model for phase transformation during heating of DP steel (Keynote Lecture)
Chandan Halder, Lukasz Madej and Maciej Pietrzyk

3D cellular automata finite element method with explicit microstructure: Modeling quasi-brittle fracture using mesh-free damage propagation and multi-scale strain energy homogenization
Luis Saucedo-Mora and Thomas J. Marrow

Development of the digital material representation model with twin boundaries
Lukasz Madej, Laurent L. Delannay , Mateusz Kwiecien and Maciej Pietrzyk

Microscale heat transfer. Identification of relaxation and thermalization times using the search method
Bohdan Mochnacki and Mariusz Ciesielski

Modeling of light scattering through thermoplastic composite part during laser welding process
Galyna Goncharova, Benoit Cosson, Mylene Deleglise-Lagardere and Stephane Panier

The modeling of aluminum layer formation on nickel alloys by bi-velocity method
Bartek Wierzba, Krzysztof Kubiak and Jan Sieniawski