Wednesday, 13 June 2018    08:30 - 10:30
Advanced models for large-eddy simulation of wall-bounded turbulent flows III
Minisymposium organized by F.Xavier Trias and Roel Verstappen
Room: Dochart 1
Chair: F.Xavier Trias
CoChair: Roel Verstappen
Isotropic turbulence impinging on boundaries
Jan W. Wissink and Herlina Herlina

Performance analysis of a plunging wing at low Reynolds number
Charles E. Badoe, Zheng-Tong Xie and Neil D. Sandham

A multiscale approach to hyrid RANS/LES wall modeling using function enrichment
Martin Kronbichler, Benjamin Krank and Wolfgang A. Wall

A comparison of methods for introducing synthetic turbulence
Marcel Matha, Christian Morsbach and Michael Bergmann