Wednesday, 13 June 2018    11:00 - 13:00
Model reduction, big data and dynamic data-driven systems VII
Minisymposium organized by Francisco Chinesta, Elias Cueto, Charbel Farhat, Matthew J. Zahr and Pierre Ladeveze
Room: Forth
Chair: Elias Cueto
CoChair: Anrtonio Huerta
Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) combined with hierarchical tensor approximation (HTA) in the context of uncertain parameters (Keynote Lecture)
Stefanie Reese, S. Kastian, D. Moser and L. Grasedyck

Dynamic data driven strategies and resource allocation for system health monitoring
Pier Carlo Berri and Laura Mainini

Identification of self-similar characteristics in multiscale flows using low-rank approximation methods
Thomas von Larcher and Rupert Klein

Interpolation of reduced bases by inverse grassmann distance weighting and grassmannian kriging with application to incompressible flows
Rolando Mosquera, Antoine Falaize, Abdallah Al-Hamidi and Aziz Hamdouni

Applications of efficient nonlinear model order reduction in computer aided vehicle structure design
Christopher Bach, L. Song and F. Duddeck