Tuesday, 12 June 2018    14:00 - 16:00
Computational modeling in biomechanics, mechanobiology and tissue engineering II
Minisymposium organized by Paulo Fernandes, María José Gómez Benito, Guillermo Rus, Enrico Dall‘Ara, Zohar Yosibash and Uwe Wolfram
Room: Staffa CPH
Chair: Juan Melchor
CoChair: Uwe Wolfram
Computational model of the mechano-electrophysiological coupling in axons with application to neuromodulation
Haoyu Chen and Antoine Jerusalem

Numerical modeling of heat transfer in biological tissue domain using the fuzzy finite difference method
Alicja Piasecka-Belkhayat and Paweł Kowalski

Digital volume correlation of the osteoarthritic femoral head, a validation tool for computational models
Melissa K. Ryan, Mario Giorgi, Mark Wilkinson and Enrico Dall‘Ara

Mechanical properties assessment for TPMS based scaffolds using homogenization methods
Julia Pinheiro, André P.G. Castro, Rui B. Ruben, José M. Guedes and Paulo R. Fernandes

Validation of finite element models of the mouse tibia for preclinical applications
Sara Oliviero, Mario Giorgi and Enrico Dall‘Ara

Microstructural mechanical properties of human cancellous bone based on compression test and Digital Image Correlation
Grzegorz Kokot, Anna Makuch, Lukasz Cyganik, Jakub Banczerowski and Konstanty Skalski