Tuesday, 12 June 2018    14:00 - 16:00
STS3: Drag and Noise Reduction I
Room: Etive
Chair: A. Abbas
CoChair: Feng Haiyong
Novel concepts and innovations for drag reduction
Wolfgang Schroeder

Numerical Study of laminar flow control for Airfoil Based on Plasma actuators
Ke Zhao, Yiju Deng and Haiyong Feng

Investigation on Nacelle Liner Drag and Acoustic Performance
Xiaodong Li, Chao Chen, Yin Liu, Mingyang Zheng and Frank Thiele

Eigenmode optimization of a contraction channel based on stability analysis
Yinzhu Wang, Alejandro Martínez-Cava, Eusebio Valero, Yao Zheng and Esteban Ferrer

Drag reduction technology review
Jesús Garicano-Mena