Wednesday, 13 June 2018    08:30 - 10:30
Numerical methods for multiscale materials modelling III
Minisymposium organized by Lukasz Madej, Waclaw Kus, Marc Bernacki and Gottfried Laschet
Room: Gala 2
Chair: Lukasz Madej
Multiscale simulations of polymers with the hybrid capriccio method (Keynote Lecture)
Sebastian Pfaller and Paul Steinmann

Numerical instabilities during the simulation of chiral metamaterials and a multi-scale approach
Alex Gansen, Mohamed El Hachemi, Oubay Hassan and Kenneth Morgan

Multiscale modeling of crystalline cellulose Microfibril interface
Chi Zhang, Dominique Derome and Jan Carmeliet

Shape optimization of MoS2 based materials
Waclaw Kus, Adam Mrozek and Tadeusz Burczynski

A new level set-finite element formulation for anisotropic grain growth
Julien Fausty, Nathalie Bozzolo, Daniel Pino Muñoz and Marc Bernacki