Wednesday, 13 June 2018    11:00 - 13:00
Experiments and modeling of smart active materials with electro- and magneto-mechanical coupling III
Minisymposium organized by George Chatzigeorgiou, Kostas Danas, Antonio J. Gil, Mokarram Hossain, Marc-André Keip, Dennis M. Kochmann, Paul D. Ledger, Prashant Saxena and Jörg Schröder
Room: M4
Chair: Marc-Andre Keip
CoChair: Antonio Gil
A general result for the magnetoelastic response of isotropic suspensions of iron and ferrofluid particles in rubber (Keynote Lecture)
Victor Lefevre, Kostas Danas and Oscar Lopez-pamies

On 3D FEM finite strain formulations for magnetorheological elastomers
Jean-Pierre Voropaieff, Laurence Bodelot, Kostas Danas and Nicolas Triantafyllidis

Three-dimensional modeling and finite element simulation of magnetorheological elastomers
Karl A. Kalina, Philipp Metsch, Jörg Brummund and Markus Kästner

Effective response of classical, auxetic and chiral magnetoelastic materials
Kostas Danas

Finite element simulation of a transient coupled acousto-magneto-mechanical system with application to MRI scanner design
Scott Bagwell, Paul D. Ledger and Antonio J. Gil