Tuesday, 12 June 2018    11:00 - 13:00
Model reduction, big data and dynamic data-driven systems III
Minisymposium organized by Francisco Chinesta, Elias Cueto, Charbel Farhat, Matthew J. Zahr and Pierre Ladeveze
Room: Forth
Chair: Pierre Ladeveze
CoChair: Elias Cueto
Parameter-multiscale PGD methods for high dimensional parametric spaces (Keynote Lecture)
Charles Paillet, Pierre Ladevčze and David Néron

Minimizing the constrained weight of frames with nash genetic algorithms: a mutation rate study
David Greiner, Jacques Periaux, Jose M. Emperador, Blas Galván and Gabriel Winter

A deep learning-based constitutive model for finite element analysis
Fariborz Ghavamian and Angelo Simone

On the coupling of local 3d parametric solutions and global 2d shell theory in structural mechanics
Giacomo Quaranta, Fatima Daim, Mustapha Ziane, Emmanuelle Abisset-Chavanne, Jean-Louis Duval and Francisco Chinesta

Effects of discretization on reducibility for PDE models with variable geometry: a preliminary study
Sander Dedoncker, Frank Naets, Elke Deckers and Wim Desmet

A non-intrusive approach to the proper generalised decomposition for Oseen flow in OpenFOAM
Vasileios Tsiolakis, Matteo Giacomini, Ruben Sevilla, Carsten Othmer and Antonio Huerta