Tuesday, 12 June 2018    16:30 - 18:30
The unsteady aerodyamics of small wings at moderate Reynolds numbers II
Minisymposium organized by Ignazio M. Viola and Elias Balaras
Room: Dochart 2
Chair: Elias Balaras
CoChair: Ignazio Maria Viola
Dynamic stall vortex shedding and its cycle-to-cycle variations: the innocent victims of phase averaging (Keynote Lecture)
Karen Mulleners

Stability in the boundary layer and wake of oscillating foils at moderate Reynolds numbers
Weidong Dai, Elias Balaras and Ignazio M. Viola

Effects of turbulence modelling on the predictions of the pressure distribution around the wing of a small scale vertical axis wind turbine
Mohamed M. Elsakka, Derek B. Ingham, Lin Ma and Mohamed Pourkashanian

Comparative study of the prediction of high angle of attack phenomena using transitional turbulence models
Jolan Wauters, Joris Degroote and Jan Vierendeels

Grid refinement using spectral error indicators with application to airfoil DNS
Markus Zauner, Christian T. Jacobs and Neil D. Sandham