Wednesday, 13 June 2018    16:30 - 18:30
Combined experimental and computational methods to understand soft biological tissue behavior II
Minisymposium organized by Johannes Weickenmeier and Sandra Loerakker
Room: Alsh 2
Chair: Johannes Weickenmeier
On the Three-Dimensional Modelling for Urinary Bladder Smooth Muscle Contraction (Keynote Lecture)
Markus Böl, Enrique Morales-Orcajo, Robert Seydewitz and Tobias Siebert

Opening and closing behaviour of different pulmonary valve designs
Harkamaljot Kandail, Marcelle Uiterwijk, Jolanda Kluin, Frans van de Vosse, Carlijn Bouten, Anthal Smits and Sandra Loerakker

Histologically-based anisotropic constitutive model of the mechanical behaviour of human abdominal wall connective tissues
Laure Astruc, Jean-François Witz, Vit Novacek, Frédéric Turquier, Thierry Hoc and Mathias Brieu

A numerical model for the heterogeneous mechanical behavior of human skin
Jibbe F.J. Soetens, Gerrit W.M. Peters and Cees W.J. Oomens

Lift forces change cell trajectories in microfluidic separation devices
Rohan Vernekar, Kerwin Kwek Zeming, Vivek Shrestha, Jongyoon Han and Timm Krueger