Thursday, 14 June 2018    08:30 - 10:30
Biomechanics of organs and tissues connected to the vascular system – computational modeling and experimental validation II
Minisymposium organized by Tim Ricken and Markus Böl
Room: Dochart 2
Chair: Markus Böl
Towards a comprehensive active arterial wall model (Keynote Lecture)
Alberto Coccarelli, Dimitris Parthimos and Perumal Nithiarasu

Towards fully patient-specific non-invasive rupture risk estimation of abdominal aortic aneurysms
Lukas Bruder, Jaroslav Pelisek, Hans-Henning Eckstein and Michael W. Gee

In Silico Stent-Graft repair of patient-specific abdominal aortic aneurysms
André Hemmler, Brigitta Lutz, Christian Reeps, Günay Kalender and Michael W. Gee

Multi-modal regional characterization of material properties across murine dissecting aneurysms
Victor Acosta Santamaria, Matthew R. Bersi, Jay D. Humphrey and Stéphane Avril

Multi-scale mechanics of the fatigue behavior of soft fibrous tissues
Markus Hillgärtner, Kevin Linka and Mikhail Itskov