Monday, 11 June 2018    16:30 - 18:30
Discontinuous Galerkin methods: new trends and applications II
Minisymposium organized by Nicoletta Franchina, Sonia Fernandez-Mendez and Ruben Sevilla
Room: Alsh 2
Chair: Rubén Sevilla
CoChair: Sonia Fernández
A high order hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin approach for fluid structure interaction with weakly compressible fluids
Andrea La Spina, Martin Kronbichler and Wolfgang A. Wall

High-order HDG method for one phase flow simulation
Albert Costa-Solé, Eloi Ruiz-Gironés and Josep Sarrate

An exploration into the performance of a novel finite element algorithm for solution of the Boltzmann Equation
Mark Hanna and Ben Evans

Can a mesh optimized for steady flow cater to unsteady flow simulations?
Sanjay Komala Sheshachala, Ruben Sevilla and Oubay Hassan

The relevance of an accurate geometric representation on HDG degree adaptive computations
Ruben Sevilla and Antonio Huerta

Coupling of continuous and HDG methods
Mahendra Paipuri, Carlos Tiago and Sonia Fernández-Méndez