Thursday, 14 June 2018    11:00 - 13:00
Exascale algorithms and software techniques for computational fluid and solid mechanics II
Minisymposium organized by Stefan Turek, Axel Klawonn and Uli Rüde
Room: Shuna CPH
Chair: U. Ruede
Some industrial challenges for modelling software in solid mechanics
Nicolas Tardieu

Energy consumption of algorithms for solving the compressible Navier-Stokes equations on CPUs, GPUs and KNLs
Satya P. Jammy, Christian T. Jacobs, David J. Lusher and Neil D. Sandham

ExaHyPE: An Open-source Exascale Engine for Solving First-Order Hyperbolic PDEs
Anne Reinarz, Michael Bader and Tobias Weinzierl