Monday, 11 June 2018    16:30 - 18:30
Biomechanics of the eye II
Minisymposium organized by Anna Pandolfi, Rodolfo Repetto, Peter Stewart and Jennifer H. Tweedy
Room: Staffa CPH
Chair: Peter Steward
CoChair: Anna Pandolfi
Numerical modelling of ocular biomechanical behaviour based on fibril density and orientation data for the whole eye globe (Keynote Lecture)
Ahmed Elsheikh, Dong Zhou, Ashkan Eliasy and Craig Boote

Models for Tear Break Up Dynamics and Imaging
Richard J. Braun, Lan Zhong, Tobin A. Driscoll, Carolyn G. Begley, Deborah Antwi and P. Ewen King-Smith

Hemodynamics-mechanics coupling in studying large deformations of Lamina Cribrosa
Filippo Recrosi, Amabile Tatone, Giovanna Guidoboni and Rodolfo Repetto

Intraocular pressure measurement pre- and post refractive surgery using GAT and CorVis ST bIOP algorithm
Ashkan Eliasy, Kai-Jung Chen and Ahmed Elsheikh

A fluid-structure interaction algorithm for the corneal air puff test
Andrea Montanino, Maurizio Angelillo and Anna Pandolfi