Monday, 11 June 2018    16:30 - 18:30
Recent advances in immersed boundary and fictitious domain methods II
Minisymposium organized by Ernst Rank, Alexander Düster, Jamshid Parvizian, Fehmi Cirak, John E. Dolbow, Thomas-Peter Fries, Isaac Harari, Mats G. Larson, Isabelle Ramiere, Martin Ruess and Dominik Schillinger
Room: Lomond Auditorium
Chair: Thomas-Peter Fries
CoChair: Alexander Düster
Computational modelling of metal additive manufacturing
Stefan Kollmannsberger, Ali Özcan, Davide D‘Angella, Massimo Carraturo, Philipp Kopp, Nils Zander, Alessandro Reali, Ferdinando Auricchio and Ernst Rank

A stabilised fictitious domain method for Signorini-Stefan problems for laser cutting
Pierre Kerfriden and Susanne Claus

Parallelized simulations of tunnel advancement using the finite cell method
Hoang-Giang Bui, Andreas Vogel, Günther Meschke and Dominik Schillinger

Cut-cell methods and their application in biomedical source analysis
Christian Engwer and Andreas Nüßing

Embedded boundary methods for flow in complex geometries
Sandra May and Marsha Berger

Skeleton-stabilized immersed isogeometric analysis for incompressible flow problems
Tuong Hoang, Clemens V. Verhoosel, Chao-Zhong Qin, E. Harald van Brummelen, Ferdinando Auricchio and Alessandro Reali