Wednesday, 13 June 2018    11:00 - 13:00
Combined experimental and computational methods to understand soft biological tissue behavior I
Minisymposium organized by Johannes Weickenmeier and Sandra Loerakker
Room: Alsh 2
Chair: Harkamaljot Kandail
Heterogeneity of chemomechanical signals in collagenous tissues (Keynote Lecture)
Alexander E. Ehret, Alberto Stracuzzi, Manuel Zündel and Edoardo Mazza

Cognition based bTBI mechanistic criteria; an in silico tool for preventive and therapeutic innovations
Daniel Garcia-Gonzalez, Nick S. Race, Natalie L. Voets, Damian R. Jenkins, Stam N. Sotiropoulos, Glen Acosta, Marcela Cruz-Haces, Jonathan Tang, Riyi Shi and Antoine Jerusalem

A mechanical-electrophysiological membrane model for axonopathy
Man T. Kwong, Lina Homsi, Ludovic Noels and Antoine Jerusalem

Mechano-electrophysiological model for nerve tissue in TBI and SCI
Daniel Garcia-Gonzalez, Man T. Kwong and Antoine Jérusalem

Rheology of the porcine brain under extreme metabolic changes
Johannes Weickenmeier, Mehmet Kurt and Ellen Kuhl