Thursday, 14 June 2018    08:30 - 10:30
Computational methods for inverse problems: theory and applications I
Minisymposium organized by John C Brigham, Ankush Aggarwal and Wilkins Aquino
Room: Boisdale 2
Chair: Ankush Aggarwal
CoChair: John Brigham
A shape-based computational method for estimation of in vivo mechanical material properties of the myocardial wall
Jing Xu, Timothy C. Wong, Marc A. Simon and John C. Brigham

Inverse modeling of biological tissue using a parameter transformation method
Yue Mei and Ankush Aggarwal

Imaging extended reflectors in a terminating waveguide
Chrysoula Tsogka, Dimitrios A. Mitsoudis and Symeon Papadimitropoulos

Planar crack identification via the Reciprocity Gap method with polynomial reconstruction
Renaud Ferrier, Pierre Gosselet and Mohamed L. Kadri

Obstacle identification using the TRAC algorithm
Tomer Levin, Eli Turkel and Dan Givoli

Cavity position and size identification using the observed sound pressure in hammering test based on the adjoint variable and the finite element methods
Takahiko Kurahashi, Eiki Matsuoka, Youichi Hirose, Yuki Murakami, Shigehiro Toyama, Fujio Ikeda, Tetsuro Iyama and Ikuo Ihara