Monday, 11 June 2018    11:00 - 13:00
Computational mechanics for energy harvesting and storage I
Minisymposium organized by Alberto Salvadori and Robert McMeeking
Room: M2
Chair: Siva Nadimpalli
System-level and multiscale modelling of energy harvesters for wireless autonomous transducer systems (Keynote Lecture)
Claudio Maruccio, Giuseppe Quaranta, Francesco Guido, Maria Teresa Todaro and Massimo De Vittorio

Harvesting energy from coupled piezoelectric and multiple electromagnetic harvesters
Rajarathinam Murugesan and Shaikh Faruque Ali

Energy harvesting with the effects of leakage currents for ferroelectric nanogenerators
Franziska J. Wöhler, Ingo Münch and Werner Wagner

Computational homogenization for (Li-ion) battery cells
Alberto Salvadori, Marco Magri, Buket Boz and Tanmay Dev