Wednesday, 13 June 2018    11:00 - 13:00
Computational experiment in aeroacoustics (MINI-CEAA) I
Minisymposium organized by George N. Barakos, Charles Hirsch, Sergey Karabasov, Tatiana K. Kozubskaya and Ulf Michel
Room: Carron 1
Chair: George Barakos
CoChair: Tatiana Kozubskaya
Manufacturability and acoustic performance of Quarter-Wave Systems with different configurations
Clara Argerich Martin, Rubén Ibanez Pinillo, Anaïs Barasinski, Emmanuelle Abisset-Chavanne and Francisco Chinesta

On the dominating influence of the large-scale motion in a jet on its pressure near field and the acoustic far field
Ulf Michel, Felix Kramer and Charles Mockett

Jet noise simulation using higher-accuracy not-DG method on unstructured meshes
Alexey P. Duben and Tatiana K. Kozubskaya

Uncertainty quantification applied to direct noise computation of cavity oscillation mechanisms
Jakob Duerrwaechter, Thomas Kuhn, Fabian Meyer, Andrea Beck and Claus-Dieter Munz

Jet-surface interaction noise using CFD mean flow within a Rapid-Distortion Theory approach
Vasileios Sassanis, Mohammed Afsar and Adrian Sescu