Wednesday, 13 June 2018    16:30 - 18:30
Meshfree and particle methods: theory, formulation and applications I
Minisymposium organized by Jorge Belinha, R.M. Natal Jorge and G.R. Liu
Room: Boisdale 1
Chair: Jorge Belinha
CoChair: Daniel Rodrigues
Radial point interpolating meshless methods for the nonlinear structural analysis
Jorge Belinha, Daniel E.S. Rodrigues, Lúcia M.J.S. Dinis and Renato M. Natal Jorge

Parallel High Performance Simulation for the Stabilized Optimal Transportation Meshfree Method
Sandeep Kumar, Christian Weißenfels, Pierre Gosselet and Peter Wriggers

A combined rh-adaptivity strategy for the local maximum entropy point collocation method
Lei Fan, Charles E. Augarde and William M. Coombs

OxFEMM, a scalable coupled Finite Element-Meshless Method program
Dongli Li, Julian Garcia-Grajales, Daniel Barba and Antoine Jerusalem

Modification of the least square MPS method for the heat conduction problems
Masayuki Tanaka, Rui Cardoso and Hamid Bahai

Homogenization technique for heterogeneous composite materials using meshless methods
Daniel E.S. Rodrigues, Jorge Belinha, Francisco M.A. Pires, Lúcia M.J.S. Dinis and Renato N. Jorge