21/7/2014    11:00 - 13:00
Multiscale Liver Simulation: A Holistic Model for Hepatic Function and Perfusion I
Minisymposium organized by Tim Ricken and Daniel Werner
Room: Sala de Reservas
Chair: Tim Ricken
CoChair: Daniel Werner
Functional anatomy of the liver – hunting down the “white territories”
Uta Dahmen, Jan Hengstler and Olaf Dirsch

Spatially resolved simulation of glucose metabolization in the human liver
Lars Ole Schwen, Matthias König and Tobias Preusser

On a multiphasic continuum mechanical multiscale model for liver perfusion and metabolism
Tim Ricken, Daniel Werner, Uta Dahmen, Olaf Dirsch, Hermann-Georg Holzhütter and Matthias König

Multi-level modelling of the hepatic perfusion
Charlotte Debbaut, Diethard Monbaliu, Pieter Cornillie, Christophe Casteleyn, Manuel Dierick, Jan Vierendeels and Patrick Segers