25/7/2014    09:00 - 11:00
Integrated Computational Materials Engineering - ICME III
Minisymposium organized by Gottfried M. Laschet, Javier Llorca, Elisabeth A. Holm, Michele Chiumenti and Somnath Ghosh
Room: Sala D5
Chair: Gottfried Laschet
CoChair: Javier LLorca
Predictive simulations of amorphous composites: their ultimate thermo-mechanical properties (Keynote Lecture)
Alejandro Strachan, Chunyu Li and Yae-ji Kim

Integrative simulation for assessing the mechanical performance of a weld line on injection moulded thermoplastic parts
Camilo Cruz

Multiscale simulation of semi-crystalline thermoplastics in the injection moulding process
Marcel Spekowius, Roberto Spina, Gottfried M. Laschet and Christian Hopmann

Integrated nonlinear multi-scale material modelling of fiber reinforced plastics with Digimat: Application to short and continuous fiber composites
Laurent Adam and Roger Assaker

Microstructure optimization of porous ceramics: A discrete element approach
David Jauffrès, Denis Roussel, Christophe L. Martin, Aaron Z. Lichtner and Rajendra K. Bordia