21/7/2014    11:00 - 13:00
Solid-solid Phase Transformations at Various Length-scales I
Minisymposium organized by Thomas Antretter and Rolf Mahnken
Room: Xaloc
Chair: Thomas Antretter
Enhancement or suppression of structural phase transitions in Ti1−xAlxN by pressure and stress
Igor A. Abrikosov, Fei Wang, Ferenc Tasnadi and Björn Alling

Macroscopic and mesoscopic modeling based on the concept of generalized stresses for cutting simulations
Rolf Mahnken, Chun Cheng, Martin Düsing, Ivan Mitkov Ivanov and Eckart Uhlmann

Phase field approach to phase transformations, dislocations and their interaction
Valery I. Levitas and Mahdi Javanbakht

Numerical modelling of the thermo-mechanical material response of heavy plates during accelerated cooling in the steel industry
Werner Essl, Thomas Antretter and Erik Parteder