21/7/2014    14:00 - 16:00
Water-Structure Impact I
Minisymposium organized by James C. Campbell and Alessandro Iafrati
Room: Tramuntana 2
Chair: James Campbell
Numerical simulation and experimental validation of guided ditching tests
Martin H. Siemann, Dieter Kohlgrüber, Luis Benítez Montañés and Alessandro Iafrati

Finite element analysis of tensor skin under water impact
Ren YanTing, Qiu XinMing and Yu TongXi

Prediction of aircraft structural response during ditching: An overview of the SMAES project
James Campbell

Advancement of semi-analytical Methods for Simulation of Aircraft Ditching
Willem Gropengießer, Alan Tassin, Alexander Korobkin, Mark Cooker , Ludovic Martin and Thomas Rung

Innovative SPH methods for aircraft ditching
Paul H.L. Groenenboom, James Campbell, Luis Benítez Montañés and Martin H. Siemann

Large scale simulation of fluid-structure interaction using an Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Abdelraheem Mahmoud Aly and Mitsuteru Asai