21/7/2014    11:00 - 13:00
Frontiers of Verification, Validation (V&V) and Uncertainty Quantification I
Minisymposium organized by Luís Eça, François Hemez, James Kamm, Marisol Koslowski and William J. Rider
Room: Salon Club
Chair: James Kamm
CoChair: James Glimm
Predictive simulations for problems with solution non-uniqueness (Keynote Lecture)
Pooja Rao, Jeremy Melvin, Wenlin Hu, Ryan Kaufman, Hyunkyung Lim, David H. Sharp and James Glimm

Building adaptive stochastic models using low-cost output error estimates
Isaac Asher and Krzysztof J. Fidkowski

Probabilistic finite element analysis of non linear systems: Application to tunnel excavation
Paul Hauseux, Jean-Baptiste Colliat, Jian-Fu Shao and Darius Seyedi

Kriging-based dynamic adaptive sampling for effective uncertainty quantification
Koji Shimoyama and Soshi Kawai

Effective representation and propagation of uncertainty through tabular multiphase equation-of-state models
Allen C. Robinson, John H. Carpenter, Bert J. Debusschere, Richard R. Drake, Ann E. Mattsson and William J. Rider

Statistical Calibration in a Human Middle Ear FE Model
Dooho Lee and Tae-Soo Ahn