25/7/2014    09:00 - 11:00
What Meshfree Particle Methods Can Do that Traditional FEA Cannot II
Minisymposium organized by J. S. Chen, Sheng-Wei Chi, Kent Danielson, Wing Kam Liu and M. Jason Roth
Room: Sala D4
Chair: Michael Hillman
CoChair: Sheng-Wei Chi
SPH method for simulation of transient flow coupled to large strained cracking shells (Keynote Lecture)
Zhe Li, Vincent Faucher, Fabien Caleyron and Alain Combescure

An immersed smoothed particle Galerkin method for composite solid analysis
Cheng-Tang Wu and Masataka Koishi

Numerical analysis of high velocity impact penetration problems
Youcai Wu and John E. Crawford

Image based procedure for bone material modeling
Judy P. Yang and J. S. Chen

A fully Lagrangian, mesh free method for fluid/solid interaction
Miguel Urrecha and Ignacio Romero

Extended particle difference method for solving the stefan problem
Young-Cheol Yoon and Sang-Ho Lee