21/7/2014    16:30 - 18:30
Frontiers of Verification, Validation (V&V) and Uncertainty Quantification III
Minisymposium organized by Luís Eça, François Hemez, James Kamm, Marisol Koslowski and William J. Rider
Room: Salon Club
Chair: Scott Doebling
CoChair: Luís Eça
Numerical uncertainty estimation in maritime CFD applications (Keynote Lecture)
Christiaan M. Klaij, Guilherme Vaz and Luís Eça

Quantifying the effect of deformation mechanisms in nanocrystalline metals
Marisol Koslowski

Evaluation of the effect on solution of using modularized constitutive models in computational frameworks
Eric N. Harstad

A descriptor-based design methodology and materials informatics for developing heterogeneous microstructural materials system
Hongyi Xu, Xiaolin Li, Catherine Brinson and Wei Chen

On the influence of near-wall grid line spacing on the prediction of the friction resistance coefficient
Luís Eça, Filipe Pereira, Guilherme Vaz and Martin Hoekstra

Code verification of a partitioned FSI environment for wind engineering applications using the Method of Manufactured Solutions
Rupert Fisch, Roland Wüchner, Jörg Franke and Kai-Uwe Bletzinger