22/7/2014    11:00 - 13:00
Advanced Reduced-order Modeling Strategies for Parametrized PDEs and Applications I
Minisymposium organized by Gianluigi Rozza and Andrea Manzoni
Room: Salon Club
Chair: Gianluigi Rozza
CoChair: Benjamin Stamm
Reduced basis approaches for the big data framework
Yvon Maday

ECSW: An energy-conserving sampling and weighting method for the hyper reduction of discrete nonlinear finite element models
Charbel Farhat, Todd Chapman and Philip Avery

Closure modeling for the proper orthogonal decomposition of turbulent flows: Models and analysis
Traian Iliescu

Energy-stable Galerkin reduced order models for nonlinear compressible flow
Irina Kalashnikova, Matthew Barone, Srinivasan Arunajatesan, Bart G. van Bloemen Waanders and Jeffrey Fike

Data-driven reduced-order modeling to support online decision-making for a self-aware aircraft
Laura Mainini and Karen Willcox

Data-driven model order reduction for state and model-bias estimation
Masayuki Yano, James Penn, Tommaso Taddei, Anthony Patera and Yvon Maday