21/7/2014    11:00 - 13:00
Computational Damage and Fracture Mechanics I
Minisymposium organized by Michael Brünig and Larissa Driemeier
Room: Mare Nostrum D
Chair: Michael Brünig
Numerical simulation of damage and failure behavior of biaxially loaded specimen
Daniel Brenner, Steffen Gerke and Michael Brünig

Robust modelling and simulation of ductile damage
Yi Zhang, Eric Lorentz and Jacques Besson

Competition between ASB and void growth assisted shear failure mechanisms: Unified modelling and applications
Patrice Longčre and André Dragon

Capturing polycrystal plasticity and intergranular cracks with a novel DIC method
Li Li, Félix Latourte, Jean-Michel Muracciole, Laurent Waltz, Laurent Sabatier and Bertrand Wattrisse

Elasto-plastic model based on the third invariant of the deviatoric stress tensor: Monotonic and cyclic loading application
Edgar Mamiya, Lucival Malcher, Fabio Reis, Filipe Andrade and Joăo Cavalheiro

Finite Fracture approach for the prediction of damage and failure of laminated composites
Nicolas Carrere, Alexandre Uguen, Eric Martin and Dominique Leguillon