23/7/2014    14:00 - 16:00
Advanced Materials: Computational Analysis of Properties and Performance I
Minisymposium organized by Vadim Silberschmidt and Valery Matveenko
Room: Sala A
Chair: Valery P. Matveenko
CoChair: Vadim V. Silberschmidt
Stochastic virtual tests for fiber composites (Keynote Lecture)
Brian N. Cox, Hrishikesh A. Bale, Matthew Blacklock, B.C. Do, Tony Fast, Robert O. Ritchie, Michael Rossol, Qingda Yang, Frank Zok and David B. Marshall

A novell approach for modelling composites with a variable-axial fibre design
Lars Bittrich, Axel Spickenheuer, Kai Uhlig and Gert Heinrich

Probabilistic description of stochastic processes of structural failure in advanced polydisperse composites
Mikhail Tashkinov

Numerical modelling of plate heat exchanger gasket
Hongyi Zhao, Jensen Aw and James Ren

Optimization of geometry of adhesive joints
Andrey Yu. Fedorov and Natalja V. Sevodina

Integrating Modeling and Silk-Like Protein Design to Mimic Biological Fiber Spinning
Seunghwa Ryu, Shangchao Lin, Greta Gronau, Olena Tokaleva, Michelle Kinahan, Sreevidibya T Krishnaji, Joyce Y. Wong, David L. Kaplan and Markus J. Buehler