17:00 - 19:00

Technical sessions
CS - Environment Compatibility and Life-Cycle of Structures II


Room: Lanzarote

Chair: Calin Mircea

Low-carbon high-rise construction with thin-shell concrete floors: A parametric case study

W. Hawkins, J. Orr, P. Shepherd and T. Ibell


Thin walled CFRP reinforced UHPC structures - towards efficiency in concrete engineering

Benjamin Kromoser


Next Generation Residential High-Rise: Evaluating and Comparing the Global Warming Potential of Different Structural Systems and Materials

M. Budig, O. Heckmann, M. Hudert and A. Ng


Optimized structure for Ice Stupa - Architecture that supports nature to resist climate change

Sourabh Maheshwary, Felix Raspall and Simant Verma


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