09:00 - 11:00

Technical sessions
IS - Form-finding/Force-finding of Tension Structures Using Novel Computational Methods (IASS WG 13)

Invited Session organized by Yao Chen, Jingyao Zhang and Makoto Ohsaki


Room: Cristal

Chair: Yao Chen

Co-Chair: Jingyao Zhang

Co-Chair: Makoto Ohsaki

Form-finding of tensile structures based on particle swarm optimization and integral self-stress states

Yao Chen, Pooya Sareh and Jian Feng


Topology-finding of Tensegrity Structures Considering Stability Condition

Yafeng Wang, Xian Xu and Yaozhi Luo


Optimization of tensegrity lattice with truncated octahedral units

M. Ohsaki, J. Y. Zhang, K. Kogiso and J. J. Rimoli


Investigation on multi-stable behaviors of star-shaped tensegrity structures with dihedral symmetry

Jingyao Zhang, Masaki Okano and Makoto Ohsaki


Optimization of initial prestress for cable-strut systems with multiple symmetric self-stress modes

P. Zhang


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