14:30 - 16:30

Technical sessions
IS - Wind Engineering and Fluid-structure Interaction I

Invited Session organized by Riccardo Rossi, Roland Wüchner and Kai-Uwe Bletzinger


Room: Coral

Chair: Riccardo Rossi

Co-Chair: Roland Wüchner

Numerical Simulation in Wind Engineering – Opportunities and Challenges

R. Wüchner, R. Rossi, R. Zorilla Martínez , M. Péntek , A. Winterstein , J. Cotela, K-U. Bletzinger and E. Oñate

High performance computing of wind-induced pressures on various domes under real conditions

T. Tamura, Y. Cao, Y. Nagao, H. Kawai, K. Nishiguchi and M. Tsubokura


The World‘s Largest Textile Facade -ThyssenKrupp Tower in Rottweil

Holger Hinz and Werner Sobek


A new spoke wheel structure for the 60’000 spectators Yaounde Stadium

M Majowiecki, S. Pinardi, G. Berti and L. Patruno


Design and evaluation of a simple Fluid-Structure Interaction framework for analysis of fabric structures under wind loading.

M. Van Craenenbroeck, J. Colliers, M. Mollaert and L. De Laet


Wind actions on simple girder bridges under construction

G. Martinez Lopez, R. Karoumi, M. Üllker-Kaustell and S. Sadrizadeh


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