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Number of visits: 145970

16/9/15    10:30 - 12:30
MICRO1 - Microcirculation through numerical modelling
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Yi Sui

Off-Plane Motion of an Oblate Capsule in Simple Shear Flow
A.-V. Salsac, C. Dupont, F. Delahaye and D. Barthès-Biesel

A Numerical Study of the Oxygen Transfer Efficiency in Microcirculatory System at Several Selected Biological Conditions
X. Gong, Z. Gong and H. Huang

Massively Parallel Computing of the Initial Stage of Thrombus Formation
Kazuyasu Sugiyama, Satoshi Ii, Shu Takagi and Yoichiro Matsumoto

Shape and Dynamics of Single Red Blood Cells in Shear and Tube Flows
J. Mauer, G. Gompper and D. Fedosov

Understanding Brain Lymphatics using Multi-scale Numerical and Analytical Modelling
A. K. Diem, G. Richardson, R. O. Carare and N. W. Bressloff

A Coupling Method for Modelling Flow and Transport Processes in Vascularized Biological Tissue using a Finite Volume Scheme
T. Koch, B. Flemisch and R. Helmig

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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