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Number of visits: 145981

15/9/15    15:00 - 16:40
BIODEV - Biomaterials for implants, prostheses and medical devices
Room: Ágora
Chair: Marie Oshima

A New Approach for the Estimation of the Young´s Modulus of Metallic Foams for Biomedical Applications
L. Pérez Pozo, I. Alfonso, D. Estay, S. Lascano and C. Aguilar

The Use of the Coefficient of Variation for Comparison of Force-Time Curves from Handgrip Tests
J. Marques Novo Jr., R. de Souza Lima Jr. and C. Sadao Medeiros Komino

Histological and Computational Evaluation of Four Titanium Dental Implants: A Comparative Study
E. Dávila, M. Ortíz, M. Molmeneu, J. Gil and M. Cerrolaza

Heterogeneous Materials based on Aperiodic Structures for Bone Tissue Substitutes
M. Sniechowski, J. Kaminski, J. Tarasiuk, J. Haberko and S. Wronski

Experimentally based Numerical Model to Characterize the Thermo-Mechanical Response of Hydrogel Biomaterials
N. Santatriniaina, M. Nassajian Moghadam, D. Pioletti and L. Rakotomanana

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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