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Number of visits: 145973

15/9/15    15:00 - 16:40
COMUL - Coupling multiphysics and biophysical phenomena
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Jerome Noailly
CoChair: Yoann Lafon

Theoretical Discrimination between Intra- and Extra-Fibrillar Water Improves Experimental Correlations between Intervertebral disc qMRI and Composition
J. Noailly, T.T. Dao, M.M. van Rijsbergen, A. Bonet, P. Pouletaut, F. Charleux, K. Ito and M-C. Ho Ba Tho

Dynamics of Epithelial Tight Junction as Molecular and Electric Barrier – A Computational Approach
A. Tervonen, D. García Leòn, N. Onnela, S. Nymark and J. Hyttinen

Interpretation of Intervertebral Disc Dynamic Cultures through Multi-Scale System Modelling
J.J. Reagh, S. Vizel, C. Ruiz Wills, T. Di Blasi, A. Malandrino, F. Loeser, S.C.W. Chan, B. Gantenbein-Ritter and J. Noailly

Hybrid Cell-Centred / Vertex Model for Three-Dimensional Monolayers
J.J. Muñoz, P. Mosaffa, N. Asadipour, D. Millán and A. Rodríguez-Ferran

How Mechanical Interactions between Muscles can Influence Echo-Elastografic Measurements? A Numerical Study
J. Stelletta, R. Dumas and Y. Lafon

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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