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Number of visits: 145975

15/9/15    10:30 - 12:30
IMAG1 - Biomedical imaging and visualization
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Joao Tavares
CoChair: Harry van Lenthe

IVUS Image Conditioning for In-Vivo Characterization of Arterial Tissue
G. D. Maso Talou, J. M. Pérez Zerpa, P. J. Blanco, A. Canelas and R. A. Feijóo

Important Symptoms of Rheumatic Diseases Detection based on a 3D MRI Reconstruction
D. Gawel, A. Bednarek, P. Glowka and M. Nowak

Accuracy and Precision of Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) on Different Bone-Biomaterial Constructs in Augmented Vertebra
G. Tozzi, M. Palanca, V.  Danesi, E. Dall‘Ara, M. Viceconti and L. Cristofolini

Scatter Correction can Enhance Contrast in High-Resolution Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Images
K. Mys, E. Vereecke, F. Stockmans and H. van Lenthe

Virtual Models and Three-Dimensional Impressions of Rat, Rhesus Monkey and Dog by MRI and TAC
R. Lara-Estrada, A. Morales-Guadarrama, J. Azpiroz and E. Sacristan

Three-Dimensional Visualization of Vascular Bundles in Stem Internodes and Nodes of Maize
Y. Zhang, X. Guo and C. Zhao

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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