21/7/2014    16:30 - 18:30
Practical Aspects of Advanced CFD Simulations on Emerging Multi- and Manycore Systems I
Minisymposium organized by Dominik Göddeke and Matthias Möller
Room: Sala E5
Chair: Matthias Möller
Load balancing for multiphysics
Rainald Löhner and Joseph D. Baum

Next-generation Trilinos for very large scale low Mach CFD simulations: A case study
Paul T. Lin, Matthew Bettencourt, Stefan Domino, Travis Fisher, Mark Hoemmen, Jonathan Hu, Eric Phipps, Andrey Prokopenko, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam and Christopher Siefert

Parallelizing the Fast Multipole Method using a task-based runtime for heterogeneous architectures
Emmanuel Agullo, Berenger Bramas, Olivier Coulaud, Eric Darve, Matthias Messner and Toru Takahashi

Optimizing the memory access performance of Fastest‘s Sipsol routine
Michael Burger and Christian Bischof

On time stepping for meterological applications using the Discontinuous Galerkin method
Andreas Dedner

Explicit method solver based on alternating direction isogeometric L2 projection
Maciej Paszynski, Maciej Wozniak, Lisandro D. Dalcin and Victor M. Calo