Plenary Lectures
Prof. Norman M. Wereley Dept. Aerospace Engineering, University of Maryland, USA
Dr. Wereley‘s research interests are in dynamics and control of smart structures
applied to helicopters and other aerospace and automotive systems, with emphasis on active and passive vibration isolation, shock mitigation (especially occupant protection systems), and actuation systems. Dr. Wereley has published over 210 journal articles, 16 book chapters, and over 275 conference articles. Dr. Wereley is an inventor on 19 patents and several patents pending. Dr. Wereley is Editor of the Journal of Intelligent Material
Systems and Structures and associate editor of Smart Materials and Structures and AHS Journal.
Mitigating Vehicle Shock Loads in Occupant Protection Systems using High Speed Magnetorheological Flows
Prof. Wieslaw Ostachowicz
Polish Academy of Sciences (IFFM), Poland
Prof. W. Ostachowicz has led dynamics research throughout the last twenty five years as the chairman of the Department: Mechanics of Intelligent Structures. His research spans several important sub–disciplines: smart structures and materials, structural health monitoring, extended non–destructive testing and damage assessment analysis. Prof. Ostachowicz personally specializes in various structural health monitoring techniques, vibration control, structural dynamics, composite structures, multifunctional materials, smart materials and structures, damage assessment of structures, working in these fields both theoretically and experimentally. In the past seven years
his research has focused on the development and use of the extended-NDT methods (E-NDT).
Highlights and Challenges in Damage Assessment of Composite Structures
Prof. Massimo Ruzzene
D. Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering, USA
Massimo Ruzzene is a Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech. Dr. Ruzzene is author of 2 books, 135 journal papers and about 180 conference papers, and has participated to projects funded by the AFOSR, ARO, ONR, NASA, US Army, US Navy, DARPA, and NSF, as well as numerous companies. His work focuses on solid mechanics, structural dynamics and wave propagation with application to structural health monitoring, metamaterials, and vibration&noise control. M. Ruzzene is a Fellow of ASME, an Associate Fellow of AIAA, and a member of AHS, and ASA. He served as the Program Director for the Dynamics, Control and System Diagnostics Program of CMMI at the National Science Foundation in 2014-2016.
Guided Acoustic Wavefields for Damage Detection/Characterization and Novel Transducer Designs
Prof. Daining Fang
Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Daining Fang is chair professor and vice president of Beijing Institute of Technology, academician of Chinese Academy of Science. His research interests include mechanics of electromagnetic materials and microelectronics devices, mechanics of advanced materials and lightweight lattice composite materials, micromechanics and physics-based continuum models across length scales, etc. Prof. Fang has published five books as well as more than 400 papers in international journals, and is an inventor on more than 50 China National invention patents. Prof. Fang is currently Associate Editor of ASME J. Appl. Mech. and Int. J. Aerosp. & Lightweight Struct.
Experimental Method and Constitutive Model of Electromagnetic Thin Films and Laminates under Multi-Field Loading
Prof. Alejandro Ureña Fernández
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC). Spain
Prof. Ureña is Full Professor at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain.. Professor Ureña's research focuses on processing (manufacturing, coating and joining) and characterization of advanced light alloys and composite materials. He has focused his research during the last 10 years on carbon nanotube and advanced fiber reinforcements (carbon) toward the development of novel multifunctional composites for aerospace and energy applications. Besides, he has a wide experience on industrial collaboration both related with the transfer of the research results for industrial application and in studies related with failure occurred during service. Nowadays, he is the Dean of the High School of Experimental Science and Technology of Universidad Rey Juan Carlos of Madrid (Spain).
Smart behaviour of CNT Modified Adhesive Films for Carbon Fiber Composite Repair
Dr. Miguel Ángel Castillo Acero
VP Technology Development of Aernnova Group, Spain
Ph. Doctor Aerospace Engineering, Escuela Técnica Superior Ingenieros Aeronáuticos (2016), Universidad Politécnica Madrid, Spain. Post- graduate studies in Science and Technology Management (1992), Universidad Carlos III, Getafe, Spain. Master Aerospace Engineer, ETSIA, UPM, 1990.
Prior to joining Aernnova in 2000, 11 year career as aerospace structures engineer in C.A.S.A. (Getafe, Spain), Boeing (Seattle, USA) and Hispano Suiza (Le Havre, France). Following this structures engineer career, Miguel has held several Technical, Management and Direction positions in Aernnova, former Gamesa Aeronáutica:
• Head of Structural Integrity Department in Aernnova Engineering Madrid. 2000- 2006
• Managing Director of Aernnova Engineering Solutions Ibérica starting 2006 up to June 2011.
• VP Technology Development of Aernnova Group, current position.
Multidisciplinary Approach for a Commercial Transport Aircraft Rudder with Morphing Characteristics
Prof. Ken P. Chong
The George Washington University, USA
Research Professor at George Washington Univ., formerly Director of Mechanics & Materials at NSF; earned a Ph.D in Mechanics from Princeton Univ.; specializes in solid mechanics, nano/smart materials; published 200 papers, 4 textbooks; gave over 50 plenary lectures, delivered the Mindlin, Sadowsky, and Thurston Lectures; received awards including the fellow of ASME, AAM, SEM; Hon. Doctorate, Shanghai Univ.; 49th Hon. Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology; Dist.M.ASCE; NSF Distinguished Service Award; and ASME Belytschko Award.
Convergence of Technologies in Manufacturing, Mechanics and Materials