  About SMART 2017
  Organizers and Committees
  Conference Topics
  Plenary Lectures
  Special Sessions & Minisymposia
  Program Overview
  Technical Program
  Technical Visits
  Instructions for Presentations
  Important Dates
  Registration Fees
  Submission of Contributions
  Instructions for Authors
  Location and Accommodation
  Pre and Post-Conference Excursions
  Technical & Administrative
  Sponsors & Exhibition


Number of visits: 116914


The conference fees and conditions for SMART 2017 will be kept unchanged.

Early registration applicable if paid until March 8, 2017.

Registration Fees are expressed in Euro

Early Fees
If paid until
March 8, 2017

Late Fees
If paid after
March 8, 2017

Full Registration Fee

500 €

600 €

ECCOMAS Members (*)

450 €

540 €

Students (**)

300 €

360 €

Accompanying Person (***)

180 €

180 €

Terms and Conditions:

Registration fees are VAT free, according to Spanish regulations.

All participants are entitled to: (a) Admission to all sessions, (b) Daily lunches and refreshments, (c) Proceedings USB, (d) Industrial visit, (e) Banquet dinner.

(*) To apply to the ECCOMAS member fee please submit to the conference secretariat a written proof (downloadable form) of being a current member of one of the National Associations affiliated to ECCOMAS.

Only the second page of this form is required from members of CSMA (France), KSCM (Korea), SEMNI (Spain), TSCE (Thailand), UKacm (United Kingdom) and USACM (United States), as well as from Individual Members of IACM.

(**) Student registration: Student rate attendees must send by fax (0034 93 205 8347) or e-mail to the Conference Secretariat copy of a valid Student ID.

(***) Accompanying person registration: Includes welcome Reception on evening Monday 5th, Guided visit to Madrid on morning Tuesday 6th and Conference dinner.

Payment confirmation notifications will be sent to your email address, once your payment is processed successfully.

Final acceptance is contingent upon payment of the registration fee by the presenting author during the advance period. This is a requirement to get the presentation included in the Conference Program.

Invitation letter: Those authors who require VISA to travel to Spain, please ask for an INVITATION LETTER to the Conference Secretariat (smart2017@cimne.upc.edu) at the shortest delay.

Refund policy: Non-author registrants who cannot attend, and do not send a substitute, will receive a refund on their registration fee with a cancellation fee of 100 Euro if the refund request is received in writing by March 28, 2017. Registrants are liable for their full fees after that date (i.e., NO refund will be made).
There will be no refund to the author registrants.

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering Barcelona, Spain
smart2017@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
Copyright © 2016 CIMNE, All Rights Reserved.