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Special Sessions & Minisymposia

Authors wishing to contribute to these Minisymposia, may submitt their abstract/paper through this website, following the Registration instructions:

MS1: Applications of Smart Technologies to Wind Turbines
Chairman: Prof. Wieslaw Ostachowicz. Polish Academy of Sciences, IMP PAN, Gdansk, Poland
The session covers the main Smart Technologies (ST) topics that are focused on wind turbine structures.
The research methodologies used here span a wide range of experimental and numerical approaches in complementary investigations of rotor with blades, drive train, tower and support structure.
Promising combination of selected techniques should lead to an innovative approach to ensure safety operation of the structure.

MS2: Structural Health Monitoring
Chairmen: Prof. Rolf Lammering, Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg; Prof. Alfredo Güemes, UPM
The detection of damage in structures by permanently attached sensors is one of the main application of Smart Structures concepts that may be achieved in a near future. This MS will deal with several key technologies, e.g. guided waves, fiber optics, acoustic emission.

MS3: Identification, Control and Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Structures
Chairman: Prof. Álvaro Cunha, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering (FEUP)
This mini-symposium is focused on recent developments in theoretical, computational, experimental and practical aspects in the areas of Identification, Control and Structural Health Monitoring applied to Civil structures, such as bridges, buildings, dams, towers, wind turbines, offshore and subsea structures, pipelines, geotechnical structures, railway tracks, road pavements, composite structures, etc...

MS4: Smart Periodic Structures for Vibration Control
Chairmen: Prof. Jean-François Deü, CNAM Paris, France; Dr. Andrea Bergamini, EMPA, Switzerland
The aim of the mini-symposium is to discuss recent developments and applications of periodic structures for vibration control using passive or active smart systems. Contributions on theoretical, numerical or experimental issues for design and characterization of such control systems are welcome. Topics to be covered by this mini-symposium include: wave propagation in periodic lattices, array of shunted piezoelectric patches, interconnected electrical networks, smart auxetic materials, nonlinear effects in periodic systems, etc...

MS5: Multifunctional Structures with Integrated Piezoelectric Elements
Chairman: Dr. Aurelio L. Araújo, IDMEC, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Piezoelectric products and technology have been with us in our daily life for some time, but understanding wave propagation, high frequency vibration, material characterization, and optimization of piezoelectric structures is increasingly important in the design and modelling of next generation devices and micro-structures with piezoelectric elements. This Mini Symposium aims to bring together researchers working on modelling, simulation, optimization and testing of multifunctional structures with integrated piezoelectric elements acting as sensors and actuators, with applications to modern devices and structures.

MS6: Morphing Structures
Chairman: Prof. Dimitris Saravanos, Univ Patras, Greece
We invite abstracts in the emerging area of morphing structures, which may include: Morphing structural concepts; modelling of morphing structures; design and optimization methods for morphing structures; actuators for morphing structures; multi-stable adaptive structures; large shape control; aerodynamic load control and alleviation; integration and applications in aerospace, UAVs, wind energy and other sectors.

MS7: Advanced Finite Element Models for Smart Structures Analysis
Chairmen: Prof. Erasmo Carrera, Poltecnico di Torino, Italy and Prof. Gennady Kulikov, Tambov State Technical University, Russia
Smart systems are the candidate for next generation structures of aerospace vehicles as well as for some advanced products of automotive and ship industries. Piezoelectric materials are extensively used in that framework. A number of theoretical and practical problems arise in the applications, whose solution would play a crucial role in the future development of smart structures. However, an appropriate use of piezoelectric materials, requires an accurate description of electrical and mechanical fields in the constitutive layers. The present MS focuses on the computational, finite elements (FEs), electro-mechanical one-dimensional and two-dimensional modellings of smart structures embedding piezo-layers. Accurate modelling of these structures requires appropriate description of mechanical and electrical variables in the thickness plate direction. Of interest are contribution on • refinements of classical theories (higher order theory, HOT); • Zig-Zag theories (theories that describe ZZ effects, see the historical review • layer-wise LW theories (in which the variables are defined in each layers, while the same variables are used for the whole multilayer in the so-called equivalent single layer models, ESLM); • formulation with displacement or stress unknowns and mixed ones. Methods for appropriate treatment of numerical problems are welcome as well. Global local approaches are also of interest for this MS.

MS8: Magnetorheological Fluids, Devices, and Integrated Adaptive Systems
Chairmen: Prof. Norman Wereley, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, University of Maryland, USA, and Prof. Juan de Vicente, Dept. of Applied Physics, University of Granada, Spain
Fundamental studies in the physics of magneto-rheology and magnetorheological materials and composites, chemistry of carrier fluids, matrices, and additives, as well as ferromagnetic particle synthesis and associated coatings. Use of magnetorheological materials, including fluids and elastomers, in energy absorbing elements to mitigate vibration and shock spectra for problems ranging from occupant and payload protection in air, sea, and ground vehicles; mine blast mitigation in sea and ground vehicles; adaptive energy absorbing landing gear systems, machinery and engine mounts, and other associated problems. Integrated systems incorporating sensors, energy absorbers and control systems to optimally mitigate vibration or shock spectra, or to augment stability of vehicle systems, or other applications.

MS9: Adaptive Structures & Damping of Vibrations
Chairmen: Prof. Jan Holnicki-Szulc, Prof. Lukasz Jankowski, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Science, Poland
This Mini-Symposium covers various approaches to mitigation of structural vibrations and impacts. A special emphasis is on semi-active control strategies and related actuators. Such strategies involve smart structural adaptation to external excitations and vibration patterns. The adaptation might be implemented through a number of diverse physical mechanisms and smart materials, including magnetorheological fluids, tuned inerters, piezoelectric actuators, etc. Theoretical as well as experimental contributions are welcome.

MS10: SAW Passive and Wireless Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring Applications Chairman: Dr. Pascal Nicolay, Carinthian Tech Research- CTR AG, Austria
Surface Acoustic Wave devices are fully passive and wireless MEMS-like sensors. They are well-suited to sense temperature and strain in harsh or difficult environment. It’s a proven technology that has already found applications in various industrial sectors, from steel manufacturing to air and space. SAW devices are also a promising solution for structural health monitoring applications. They are small, robust and can be embedded in different kind of materials. The goal of the mini symposium will be to introduce the SAW technology (as well as its current applications and future developments) to an audience of smart structures and smart materials specialists, in order to create the possibility of cross-fertilization of ideas that could lead to new application concepts and projects, in the field of structural health monitoring.

MS11: A Non-linear Modeling of Smart Materials and Structures
Chairmen: Dr. Alexander Humer, Johannes Kepler University – Linz, Austria; Prof. Michael Krommer, Technical University – Vienna, Austria
Smart structures and their applications often display diverse non-linear effects that need to be considered in modeling and simulation. Typical non-linearities encountered in this field range from the non-linear material response and hysteresis phenomena, e.g., of piezoelectric materials and shape memory alloys over thin-walled substrates subjected to large deformation to the combination of both as, e.g., in finite strain problems of electroactive polymers. The mini-symposium focuses on the modeling of smart structures within the framework of continuum theories of electro-thermo-mechanics and structural mechanics as well as numerical methods used for the realization in simulation models.

MS12: Damage Tolerant Active Control
Chairmen: Dr. Nazih Mechbal, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Paris, France; Prof. Euripedes Nóbrega, UNICAMP, São Paulo, Brazil.
Active vibration control is now a mature engineering area, using modern control methods to address structural issues that may result from excessive vibration. However, the subject of structural vibration control under damage represents a novel subject in the literature. Damage tolerant active control is a recent research area related to fault tolerant control design methods applied to smart mechanical structures. It encompasses several techniques commonly used to design active vibration controllers and to detect and diagnose damages, as well as to monitor structural integrity. This mini-symposium aims to clarify the inter-relations between all these areas by linking control to damage in order to increase structures lifespan. It proposes to gather researchers working on active and adaptive control, fatigue damage reduction, damage diagnosis and accommodation, specific model reduction and on-line identification problems, etc…

MS13: Smart Materials Capable of Recoverable Inelastic Strain
Chairmen: Prof. Tarak Ben Zineb (Université de Lorraine, CNRS France); Dr. Wael Zaki (Khalifa University, UAE).
Shape memory alloys (SMAs) and piezoelectric materials are examples of smart materials capable of recoverable inelastic deformation. In the case of SMAs, shape recovery is driven by martensitic transformation and the reorientation of martensite under the influence of thermomechanical loading. In contrast, the physics of shape recovery in magnetic SMAs and in piezoelectric materials are driven by magneto-mechanical and electromechanical loading respectively, leading to interesting and complex multi-physics interactions. Advances in experimental characterization as well as modeling and numerical simulation of these materials are critical for paving the way toward more innovative and added value engineering solutions using these materials. This mini-symposium will provide a platform for exchanging the latest developments in understanding materials capable of shape recovery among leading experts in the field. Topics of interest include strain localization, scale and size effects, multi-physics interactions, conventional and environmentally assisted fracture and fatigue, and modeling and design considerations for architectured, woven, knitted and hybrid composites made of these materials.

MS14: Nano-Reinforcement toward Strong and Smart Materials
Chairmen: Dr. Fahmi Bedoui, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, CNRS ; Dr. Jinbo Bai, CNRS, Centrale – SupElec, France
Until recently the emphasis in the realm of reinforced polymers has been on ultimate properties, such as maximum stiffness and the maximum load. Nano-reinforced materials were the answer to almost all of those questions. Meanwhile, it is desirable to monitor the health of these materials in-situ, to repair damage when possible, and alert the user of impending failure. In other words, we need not just strong materials but smart materials able to interact with their environments to guarantee their long term performances. This mini-symposium aims to emphasize the possibility given by nano-reinforcement toward enhanced materials properties by bringing new capabilities beyond strength and stiffness. It proposes to gather researchers working on materials science, active and adaptive control damage diagnosis based on nano-reinforced materials, etc…

MS15: Smart Micro-Mechatronic Systems
Chairman: Prof. Frédéric Lamarque, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, CNRS, France.
This mini-symposium covers some research approaches based on numerical or experimental investigations on the topics of smart micro-mechatronic systems. Several related fields such as development of micro-actuators arrays (smart material-based actuation, wireless actuation, smart-surfaces …), integration of additional functions in the micro-mechatronic system (communication micro-devices, integrated sensors for control or real-time diagnosis …), energy harvesting and management in the micro-mechatronic systems, multidisciplinary modeling and multi-physics simulation for micro-mechatronic systems design improvement are willing to be covered.

MS16: Constitutive Modeling and Computation of Ferroelectric, Ferromagnetic and Multiferroic Materials
Chairman: Prof. Andreas Ricoeur, University of Kassel, Germany
Constitutive modeling of ferroic materials is one challenging task in the process of developing simulation tools for accurate numerical analyses of smart materials and structures. Due to nonlinearities associated with phenomena on the micro- and mesoscales and inherent field-coupling, a multi-physical multiscale problem is on hand. The mini-symposium focuses on modeling aspects of ferroic materials, comprising piezoelectric, piezomagnetic, magnetostrictive, magnetoelectric, pyroelectric, electrocaloric etc. effects, and/or their implementation within a numerical framework as well as model-based investigations of the behavior of these materials. Contributions on aspects of strength, fatigue, cracks or life time are welcome, just as papers dealing with classical constitutive features.

MS17: Soft Active Materials and Mechanics
Chairmen: Prof. Yanju Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, Asso. Prof. Liwu Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Constitutive modeling of ferroic materials is one challenging task in the process of developing simulation tools for accurate numerical analyses of smart materials and structures. Due to nonlinearities associated with phenomena on the micro- and mesoscales and inherent field-coupling, a multi-physical multiscale problem is on hand. The mini-symposium focuses on modeling aspects of ferroic materials, comprising piezoelectric, piezomagnetic, magnetostrictive, magnetoelectric, pyroelectric, electrocaloric etc. effects, and/or their implementation within a numerical framework as well as model-based investigations of the behavior of these materials. Contributions on aspects of strength, fatigue, cracks or life time are welcome, just as papers dealing with classical constitutive features.

Special Session: PT-PIESA - Lightweight Design by Integrating Functions
Chairmen: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Welf-Guntram Drossel, Speaker of the CRC/TR39 PT-PIESA, Institute for Machine Tools and Production Processes, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
Co-chairwoman: Dr. Anja Winkler, Technische Universität Dresden, Institute for Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology
The integration of sensors and actuators made of piezoelectric materials into light-weight composites enables to reach both ultra-light-weight design and superior dynamic properties as well as structural health monitoring functions. This session includes seven presentations. These cover a wide range of research approaches and results for mass production processes for the integration of piezoelectric elements investigated in the Collaborative Research Centre. The corresponding process chains manufacturing and characterization of piezo elements as well as integration via sheet metal forming, fibre composites manufacturing and casting are presented.

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering Barcelona, Spain
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