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Ugo Samueli Scolarships

Ten scholarships have been generously made available by the following institutions: Venice Convention, AVA (Associazione Veneziana Albergatori) and Ascom Venezia (Associazione dei Commercianti, degli Operatori Turistici e dei Servizi of Venice). The scholarships are named after the late Ugo Samueli, former president of the Associazione Veneziana Albergatori and of Venice Convention.

The scolarships are of two types:

  1. 5 scholarships will cover only the student registration fees for PhD students which are neither European citizens, nor graduate students at a US institution. All other costs will have to be sustained by the awardee. A number of low cost accommodations have been negotiated by the Congress organization and made available on the web site for reservation. Upon assignment of the scholarship, the student will be automatically registered to the congress. A notification of registration will be sent to him/her by the Congress Secretariat.

  2. 5 scholarships will cover the accommodation for the nights from June 29 through July 4 in a single room in a Hotel to be defined by AVA. All other costs, including the registration fee of 300 Euro, will have to be sustained by the awardee. The awardees will have to pay their student registration fee by March 15.

The Scholarships will be assigned by random drawing from those who have applied for the Student Congress Scholarships.


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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