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USACM Scholarships

The USACM (US Association of Computational Mechanics) has established fellowships to support students, post-doctoral fellows and young investigators to attend and present a talk at the 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics Each awardee will receive $550 US towards travel expenses. In addition, their Congress registration fee will be covered.


Student Fellowships
To be eligible for a student fellowship, the applicant must be a current graduate student at a US institution. The applicant must have an abstract accepted to the World Congress and must present the talk during the Congress. The travel stipend of $550 US will be delivered to the applicant in Venice during the Congress.

Post-Doctoral and Young Investigator Fellowships
To be eligible for a young investigator fellowship, the applicant must have received their Ph.D. (or highest terminal) degree no earlier than 2003 and must be a post-doctoral fellow at a US university or be employed in the US (academic, government, and industry appointments are all eligible). The applicant must have an abstract accepted to the World Congress and must present the talk during the Congress. The travel stipend of $550 US will be delivered to the applicant in Venice during the Congress.

Application procedures
Submit a copy of the submitted abstract and a one page (maximum) curriculum vitae, no later than January 31, 2008 to:

Ruth Hengst
USACM Secretariat

NOTE: Abstract submission to the World Congress is closed. However, the Congress Organizing Committee has agreed to consider abstracts of the fellowship awardees that may not yet have been submitted. To this end, if you have not yet submitted an abstract to the World Congress, please include with the above application materials the name and number of the relevant minisymposia to which your abstract is best aligned. The list of minisymposia may be found at:

Announcement of Awards
Applicants will be notified by February 28, 2008. Fellowship awardees will be instructed on steps to follow to register for the Congress without the need to effect registration payment.


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
iacm-eccomas08@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 / 97 -- Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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