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ECCOMAS Scholarships

The Managing Board of ECCOMAS has decided to make available 37 scholarships for European Citizens which are PhD students at the time of the registration, particularly from Eastern European countries. Non European Citizens are eligible if they come from a country with an ECCOMAS-affiliated association (e.g. Israel).

The scholarships will consists of :

  • Free registration to the Congress
  • A bonus of up 500 € to support travel and accommodation expenses.

The outstanding costs have to be sustained by the individual participant. A number of low cost accommodations have been negotiated by the Congress organization and made available on the web site for reservation.

Important Dates for Scholarship Assignment

Notification of abstract acceptance January 31, 2008
Deadline for application February 15, 2008
Notification of assignment February 28, 2008
Payment of early registration fee in the case of scholarship not assigned March 15, 2008


To apply for the scholarship, the European PhD student has to submit an abstract through the online submission procedure. The abstract will be processed through the standard acceptance procedure. After notification of acceptance of his/her abstract, the student has to:

  • Fill in the application form, specifying the title and identification number of his/her abstract
  • Attach:
    • An official proof of his/her student status (e.g. a letter from an officer of the Graduate School)
    • A photocopy of his/her passport
    • short CV (1 page max)
  • E-mail it to :
  • Francesca Clemenza
    Department of Structural Engineering
    Politecnico di Milano
    P.zza L. da Vinci 32.
    e-mail: Francesca.clemenza@Polimi.it
    tel.: +39 0223994209
    fax: +39 0223994220

Upon assignment of the scholarship, the student will be automatically registered to the congress. A notification of registration will be sent to him/her by the Congress Secretariat.


To get the reimbursement of his/her expenses, after the end of the congress and not later then July 31st, the student will have to post the following documentation:

  • A photocopy of his/her passport
  • Registration acknowledgement form
  • The original bills, tickets and boarding cards of his/her travelling and accommodation expenses. These will be reimbursed up to a maximum of 500 Euro.
  • The coordinates of his/her bank account
    • name of the account holder
    • name and address of the bank
    • bank account number
    • IBAN and BIC code

to the following address:

Att. Cristina Forace
C/Gran Capitán, s/n
Ed. C1 - 2ª P. - Campus Nord - UPC
(08034) Barcelona, Spain

The travel and accommodation arrangements have to be finalized by the student himself, as for all the other participants.


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
iacm-eccomas08@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 / 97 -- Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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