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Number of visits: 65499

Registration and Accomodation


Authors are invited to submit individual contributions to any of the conference topics. Both registration and submission of abstracts should be performed on-line through the conference site.

Registration does not oblige authors to pay any fee until the contribution is accepted.

To be registered as a participant for the conference, please do the following:

If you are not registered:
   1. Enter your personal information in the form here, choose your own login and password and save it.

   2. To send your abstract you have to log-in by clicking at "If you are registered", fill in the contribution information (Title, authors), browse to select the file to be sent and choose the Topic. Only .pdf files can be uploaded.

   3. To complete your registration as a participant, you need to log-in by clicking at "If you are registered", access the "orders and payments" area in your account and follow the instructions for each method of payment.

If you are registered:
   1. Enter the site using your login and password.

   2. Proceed as indicated in the above points 2 and 3. The AIG-9 Registration Form is available on-line here.


Registration fees for the symposium participants include the items listed below.

• One year IAGC membership to non -members.
• Icebreaker reception on Sunday September 18th.
• A guided tour through the Roman Tarraco World Heritage Site (Tuesday 21st, evening).
• All lunches (From Monday 19th till Thursday 22nd).
• Mid-symposium field trip, transportation and lunch
• The conference dinner (Thursday 22nd evening)
• Symposium program and abstract volumes.

Registration fees for accompanying members include the items listed below.Please, note that accompanying members should also fill the registration form (Organization, Department, Address, Cell phone, Fax and URL Fields are not required).

• Icebreaker reception on Sunday September 18th.
• All lunches (From Monday 19th till Thursday 22nd).
• Mid-symposium field trip, (Wednesday, 21st), transportation and lunch.
• The conference dinner (Thursday 22nd evening).
• A guided tour through the Roman Tarraco World Heritage Site
• Guided visit to the Cathedral , lunch included (Monday 19th)
• A guided tour through the Roman Tarraco World Heritage Site (Tuesday 21st, evening).
• Trip to a Cistercian Monasteries (Stes. Creus or Poblet) and visit to a Cellar, (Tuesday 22nd) Transportation, tickets and lunch included.
• Guided tour to Barcelona (Modernisme: Sagrada Familia and Parc Güell), (Wednesday, 21st), transportation, tickets and lunch included.

Please note that accommodation fees are not included in the registration fees.

The registration fees do not include insurance for participants. Neither the Ciutat de Tarragona Hotel nor the Organizing Committee are responsible for any loss, theft, injury, or damage to persons or belongings, however caused.

Early Registration  deadline May 30th, 2011
Regular Registration deadline July 10th, 2011
Late Registration deadline August 31st, 2011


Early Registration  May 30th  2011

July 10th 2011

August 31st 2011


425 €

455 €

505 €

Non IAGC-Member

450 €

480 €

530 €

Student - IAGC-Member

325 €

355 €

405 €

Student - Non IAGC-Member

350 €

380 €

430 €

Accompanying Member

360 €

360 €

410 €

IAGC Membership
All attendees who are not already IAGC members (except the accompanying members) must pay an additional fee of 25€. This fee covers their IAGC membership for one year ($25) and the remaining is directed to support the IAGC Student Research Grant Program. The registration of the IAGC includes a one-year subscription to Elements magazine.

These attendees must fill out an official IAGC membership form along with their registration. IAGC membership form

Membership forms must be filled out entirely. Memberships cannot be processed without an email address and mailing address. Completed membership forms should be sent by preferably e-mail to:

Attn: Laia Aranda
CIMNE - Congress Management Department
"La CUP", Campus Nord UPC
C/Jordi Girona, 1-3
08034 Barcelona - Spain
Phone: + 34 934 054 696
Fax: + 34 932 058 347


  • All activities related to the scientific program will be held at the Ciutat de Tarragona Hotel (****) and participants must book their accommodation at this venue.

  • To make you reservation please visit this link:

  • The organizing committee has reserved a block of rooms at the Ciutat de Tarragona Hotel. In order to take advantage of the special rates negotiated by the organizing committee, you must use the user code: 11736 and the password: ISOAIG.To enter the code go to enter user (in red on the left).

  • Standard rooms are 94€/night (single room) and 112€/night (double room).

  • If you book your room before June 19th you will have a disccount of 10%.

  • The rooms for the conference will be blocked until August 19th, from that date on you will depend on the availability of the hotel and the AIG-9 rates are not guaranted.

Any question you have about your reservation you can contact the Ciutat de Tarragona Hotel by phone: (+034) 977 250999.


If you would like to share a room in order to pay half the price of a double room, but you don’t know the other participants or maybe you know somebody but you are not aware of his/her participation, please go to the “Registered People” area (left menu under Registration and Accommodation) and enter on “Modify your Data”. There, click on the box at the bottom of the page to authorize the publication of your data in the Registered People area. The data published will be: name, surname, gender, e-mail address and country.

Once you have marked this box you are accepting that your data will be visible for the registered people (not for the non-registered ones) as a list of the people interested in participating to the conference that want to share a room. This list will be constantly updated.

People in the list can contact the other via e-mail so that they can and make the reservation together and share the room.

Once you have found a partner you have to uncheck the box in order to put you off the list.

To consult the list please go to the “Registered People” area (left menu under Registration and Accommodation) and enter on “Modify your Data”. Under the authorization box you will find the link to the list.

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain. / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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