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Number of visits: 62378




Early Registration deadline 
May 30th  2011

Regular Registration deadline
July 10th 2011

Late Registration deadline
August 31st 2011


425 €

455 €

505 €

Non IAGC-Member

450 €

480 €

530 €

Student - IAGC-Member

325 €

355 €

405 €

Student - Non IAGC-Member

350 €

380 €

430 €

Accompanying Member

360 €

360 €

410 €


The conference is able to offer limited financial assistance to certain people who wish to attend the AIG-9 conference.
Assistance is in the form of a waiver of the registration fees and does not cover accommodation or travel costs. To apply for financial assistance, applicants should complete the form below and send directly to the AIG9 organisers ( along with an abbreviated copy of their CV and a copy of their intended abstract. Correct formatting of the abstract can be done at a later stage. Note that the application deadline is on March 15th, 2011.

Financial assistance form

IAGC Membership
All attendees who are not already IAGC members (except the accompanying members) must pay an additional fee of 25€. This fee covers their IAGC membership for one year ($25) and the remaining is directed to support the IAGC Student Research Grant Program. The registration of the IAGC includes a one-year subscription to Elements magazine.

These attendees must fill out an official IAGC membership form along with their registration. IAGC membership form

Membership forms must be filled out entirely. Memberships cannot be processed without an email address and mailing address. Completed membership forms should be sent by preferably e-mail to:

Attn: Laia Aranda
CIMNE - Congress Management Department
"La CUP", Campus Nord UPC
C/Jordi Girona, 1-3
08034 Barcelona - Spain
Phone: + 34 934 054 696
Fax: + 34 932 058 347

Information will be available soon.

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain. / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
Copyright © 2009 CIMNE, All Rights Reserved.