23/7/2014    11:00 - 13:00
Fast Direct Solvers: Applications to Boundary Element Methods and Other Linear Systems III
Minisymposium organized by Stéphanie Chaillat-loseille, Eric Darve and Martin Schanz
Room: Sala D1
Chair: Martin Schanz
Boundary element methods with a HDIV scalar product for electromagnetic wave scattering problems
Kazuki Niino and Naoshi Nishimura

A Posteriori Error Control for BEM in 2D-Acoustics
Marc Bakry and Sebastien Pernet

Optimal preconditioning for the coupling of adaptive finite and boundary elements
Michael Feischl, Thomas Führer, Dirk Praetorius and Ernst P. Stephan

A study on time domain BIEM with H-matrix
Hitoshi Yoshikawa

A directional fast multipole method for the Boundary Element Method and its application to elastodynamics
Thomas Traub, Pierre Blanchard and Martin Schanz